Covenant Music - Otwebembere mp3


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Ruhanga Ishitwe, Ruhanga Omwana  ( God our father, God the Son)
Ruhanga Omwoyo Orikwera  ( God the Holy Spirit)
Ruhanga Ishitwe, Ruhanga Omwana   ( God our father, God the Son)
Ruhanga Omwoyo Orikwera   ( God the Holy Spirit)

Twakushaba Omwoyo Orikwera   ( We pray to you Holy Spirit)
Shuuma Oyiije Otwebembere  ( Come down and go before us)
Nitumanya ngu tury’abaana baawe   ( We know that we are your children)
Ai Mukama Otwebembere  ( Oh Lord, go before us)

Iraka ryawe Ai Mukama  ( Your voice, Oh Lord)
Twarihurira niritweta   ( We have heard it calling us)
Iraka ryawe Ai Mukama   ( Your voice, Oh Lord)
Twarihurira niritweta   ( We have heard it calling us)

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